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Video podcast as a tool for social transformation: Ctrl Z

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Traditional formats do not engage the new generations. And the same is true of volunteering and social participation. People committed to the environment and society, with a thirst for knowledge and improvement and a desire to change things, but not the way we used to do it. So it’s time to innovate! And speak their language.

In this scenario, the video podcast is presented as a highly effective tool for social dissemination with great potential to generate a significant impact on society and culture to disseminate information, promote social causes and bring necessary debates to the table.

Advantages of video podcasting for social transformation:

  • Dynamic communication: Videopodcasting combines elements of video and podcasting to deliver engaging and dynamic multimedia content. This allows creators to effectively convey ideas, share knowledge and entertain their audience.
  • Global accessibility: Because it is available online, it can be consumed at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection, extending its reach to a global audience.
  • Direct interaction: Facilitates direct interaction between creators and their audience through live commentary, Q&A, interactive polls and chat sessions. This active participation strengthens the connection between the two, generating a sense of online community.

Action Aid at the side of youth

Action Aid  is one of those innovative organisations that has set itself the challenge of dismantling and debunking myths about young people and better understanding the challenges of an entire generation in order to be at their side.

In this direction, the podcast Ctrl Z is born, in collaboration with Volies, a podcast that addresses how young people understand the social issues that affect them directly, touching on very diverse issues ranging from employment to climate change.

In the last chapter we make the leap to the videopodcast format, in a special programme dedicated to “unwanted loneliness in young people”, in relation to the recent study presented by the ONCE Foundation, in collaboration with Ayuda en Acción, a problem that affects 1 in 4 young people. And 69% of young Spaniards feel or have felt lonely at some time in their lives.

The psychologist and educator María Gómez @Merigopsico, Leticia López, head of employment at Ayuda en Acción, and the journalist Eixchélt González, discuss and go into detail on this highly topical issue in an incomparable setting: the Pipo Velasco youth centre in Madrid, under the watchful eye and listening of a group of these young people.

50 minutes of pure conversation to analyse the main factors behind this epidemic, give advice on how to detect it and what to do if you or those around you are experiencing it.

A pure luxury of an episode that you can listen to now here !

Picture of Carmen Marti

Carmen Marti