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Mondelēz: Volunteering parasports: a great combination​

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Deporte Adaptado - Parasports

Volunteering parasports: a great combination

There is a very positive relationship between volunteering and sports. Sports activities in corporate volunteering:

  • Promote health
  • Teamwork among employees
  • While generating a sense of community.

In addition, by partnering with local organizations for their development:

  • Companies can positively impact society.
  • Strengthen the ties between employees and the people around them
  • And reinforce the company’s values of social responsibility and collaboration.

Aware of these benefits, Mondelēz International incorporates inclusive activities into its corporate volunteering actions every year.

“With these activities we want to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion of people with disabilities, developing empathy, teamwork and collaboration, while volunteers and beneficiaries enjoy a social day as a team, strengthening bonds, pride of belonging and improving the working environment.”

Activities in Madrid and Barcelona

To this end, two activities were carried out in Madrid and Barcelona with the participation of volunteers from the company.

In Madrid, together with the Fundación Prodis, volunteers experienced a day of traditional games such as basketing balls in a bucket, the handkerchief game, the rope game or the caterpillar game.

The Prodis Foundation aims to empower people with intellectual disabilities by providing them with the tools and support they need to reach their full potential in society. Through innovative and personalized programs, Prodis offers opportunities for education, vocational training and employment, enabling individuals to fully integrate into the community and contribute significantly to their environment.

2024 Mondelez 2 deporte Adaptado Barcelona

For their part, the Barcelona colleagues had the opportunity, along with the Aprodisa, to put themselves in the shoes of how people with physical or mental disabilities practice sports. Playing wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, they were even able to play Boccia, a unique discipline of adapted sport.

Aprodisa is much more than an association: it is a beacon of inclusion and empowerment for people with disabilities and their families. With innovative programs and personalized services, they open doors to a world of opportunity and growth. From education and job training to psychosocial support and job placement, every step is a step toward a more just and caring society.

In short, volunteers and beneficiaries of both organizations were able to enjoy a unique day of inclusion, teamwork, diversity promotion and recognition of different abilities.

Parasports and inclusion

What is parasport?

Parasport encompasses a wide range of physical activities designed for people with disabilities: physical, sensory or cognitive. From wheelchair basketball to adapted athletics, adapted sport encompasses numerous disciplines that have been modified or created specifically to allow participation by people with disabilities.

Physical Benefits of parasport:

Participating in adapted sport activities offers a variety of physical benefits. These include improvements in muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and coordination. In addition, adapted sport can help prevent chronic diseases, improve bone health and reduce the risk of obesity, especially in people with disabilities who may face additional challenges in maintaining an active lifestyle.

Emotional and Social Benefits:

The impact of adapted sport goes beyond the physical, it also has a significant impact on emotional and social well-being. Participating in sporting activities can increase self-esteem and self-confidence, providing athletes with a sense of accomplishment and belonging. In addition, adapted sport fosters camaraderie and teamwork, allowing participants to develop strong relationships and support networks.

Inclusion and Diversity:

Parasport plays a pivotal role in promoting inclusion. More examples.

In conclusion...

Parasport is much more than a physical activity; it is a powerful tool for inclusion, self-improvement and empowerment. Through adapted sport, people with disabilities can discover new skills, forge meaningful connections and achieve impressive goals. By celebrating diversity and challenging preconceived limits, adapted sport continues to inspire athletes of all abilities to reach new heights and live full, active lives.

Thank you to Mondelēz International for once again trusting Volies to help you in the organization of such transformative Corporate Volunteering actions as this one, as well as for betting on inclusion. And thank you to FDI Foundation and Points of Light for joining us on this journey!


Picture of Carmen Marti

Carmen Marti