We promote social change through the transformation of people and organizations



From Volies we have contributed to the evolution and maturity of corporate volunteering in Spain, Latin America and Europe. As a company with purpose. We put our experience of more than 10 years at the service of our collaborators, providing maximum professionalism and an innovative methodology to activate social transformation through the main asset that all companies and organizations have: PEOPLE.



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A B Corp Company

On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, Volies has committed itself by going one step further, becoming a B Corp company, the world’s most advanced model of sustainable and regenerative business, to which more than 6,200 companies from 86 countries already belong. Companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal responsibility and are legally required to take into account all their stakeholders in their decision making.

“At Volies we believe that every gesture counts and that individuals have the power to drive social change and transform the community in which we live.”

Manager Team

Juan Ángel Poyatos is one of the most recognized experts on social responsibility and one of the driving forces behind corporate volunteering in Spain. In 2013 he founded Volies as “Volunteering and Strategy”.

Together with Mª Jesús Pérez they have 100% ownership of Volies at present.

Juan Angel

Juan Ángel Poyatos

CEO & Founder

1. Maria Jesus

María Jesús Pérez

Founder & Administration Manager

3. Celina

Celina Lesta

Project Director and Manager for Latin America at Voluntare

12. Benedetta

Benedetta Falletti

Project Manager and Voluntare Coordinator


Marcos Ramírez

Project Manager

4. Patricia

Patricia Fort

Project Manager​

Foto de María Ledi, miembro del equipo de Volies

Maria Ledi Cooper

Project Director

Commitment to Equal Opportunity

Volies apuesta por el liderazgo femenino

Women´s Lidership

  • Volies is seriously committed to promoting equal opportunities between men and women as well as taking advantage of female professional talent, eliminating all kinds of barriers and glass ceilings to do so.
  • The commitment to 100% teleworking and flexible working hours are, without a doubt, two powerful tools for achieving these objectives and eliminating barriers.
  • As the data show, not only is a large part of the workforce made up of women, but it is also women who hold 85% of the management positions and 60% of the company’s ownership.
  • Therefore, female leadership is evident in all our projects and in the day-to-day running of the company.
Women owners​
0 %
Women in management positions​
0 %
Women on the team​
0 %

Volies´s mission, vision and values

"Volies shows a clear and firm commitment to ethical behavior throughout the organization in everything we do and what we project, something inherent to the model of society we want to achieve with our work."


Promote social change through the transformation of people and organizations. Activating, empowering and accompanying them in this process, in order to build a sustainable world and a more just, inclusive, critical and diverse society.


To be catalysts for a culture of co-responsibility, where each person and each organization understands the impact of their actions, and is fair and empathetic with the world and with society, through the design and implementation of projects of value, innovative, sustainable, committed and trust-building.

Fuerza guantes

We guide every action based on our values: ​

Transformacion social
Social Transformation and Innovation
Icono que simboliza el compromiso con un apretón de manos y la responsabilidad social

Our Code of Ethics is a statement of our company’s ethical commitment, of the position we adopt towards our stakeholders and of the obligations and commitments we undertake.

In addition to our mission, vision, and values, the code contains certain guidelines for action in which each of these values are specified, and which help to guide us in our day-to-day activities.

By making this document public and sharing it, we express our intention to support and develop this way of acting and behaving, and to try to inspire the organizations with which we collaborate to make it their own and, above all, to respect these values when collaborating with Volies.

Our stakeholders​

Among our main stakeholders are: the clients for whom we develop projects, the Volies team that makes it possible and the social entities, which are our strategic allies to develop volunteer activities together with our clients. Also of vital importance are the local communities where we develop the projects, other volunteer organizations with similar purposes to ours, and on a second level the media and governments, which can give support and reach to our common purpose.

Most of these groups are represented in the Voluntare network, which we have been coordinating for more than 10 years, and which is a space for meeting and collaboration between social entities and companies.

  • We invite all our clients to join the network, generating synergies between our different stakeholders.
  • Our team also participate in meetings, training and other activities organized by Voluntare.
  • Many of the social entities we work with for our corporate volunteering activities are active members of the network.
  • As well as various social organizations that represent groups at risk of social exclusion and underrepresented groups.
Grupos interes 2

Specification of our commitments

Icono que simboliza el compromiso con un apretón de manos y la responsabilidad social


  • We conduct an annual work climate survey to measure the well-being of our teams. With an average score of 4 out of 5.
  • Our company offers the entire team 100% of the working day in remote working format.
    As well as flexible working hours adapted to the needs of each position.
  • We have a Personalized Performance Plan and an extraordinary variable compensation plan, linked to both common company objectives and personal objectives for each position.
  • The entire team can enjoy 16 hours a year to participate in volunteer activities.


  • Our commitment is to give complete quality  and maximum customer satisfaction, and the constant search for common goals aligned with our mission. This commitment is materialized in actions such as the following:
    Sending an annual satisfaction questionnaire to our main clients.
  • Close and personalized treatment during the development of the project, and project completion meetings with all of them where we personally collect feedback on the service provided.
  • We formally collect the suggested improvements and share them with the rest of the management team.
  • We seek the maximum in each relationship and learn from mistakes and proposed improvements.
  • We share the results of the evaluation survey with the whole team and the main data at a public level.
  • We take into consideration all suggested improvements to design new services.
  • Our communication actions are governed by transparency and truthfulness, and aim to disseminate the positive social and environmental impact of our actions, putting people at the center. We do not usually carry out purely commercial marketing campaigns, but rather we focus on the communication of specific actions developed in collaboration with our stakeholders.
Degree of satisfaction of our customers​
0 *

* On a scale from 1 to 10

Probability that our customers would recommend us​
0 *

* On a scale from 1 to 10



  • We prioritize the contracting of responsible suppliers: local suppliers, social and solidarity economy organizations, foundations and associations, preferably verified by Fundación Lealtad, and small and medium-sized companies.
  • We are committed to ensure that more than 50% of our turnover corresponds to this type of responsible suppliers, especially that at least 50% of our suppliers are local to each center of operations in which we operate: Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
  • In international projects we look for local suppliers close to the location of each activity.
  • We consider excluding criteria to be our suppliers: having convictions or pending cases publicly known for violation of human rights, as well as companies in the tobacco, gambling and arms industries.


    • Everything we do at Volies has the firm purpose of improving the world we live in and having a positive impact on the community.
    • We collaborate with more than a hundred prestigious social organizations, with which we work to design and implement strategic alliances with the business sector, channeling their interests and seeking lasting synergies over time.
    • Through the Voluntare network, we act as an “antenna” or loudspeaker, disseminating good practices in corporate volunteering, both from companies and social organizations, with the aim of increasing the reach and impact and professionalizing the sector.
    • We are committed to diversity, communication, equality and social innovation in all our projects. Raising awareness of the importance of the above, both internally for our team and for other stakeholders.
    • Rejecting any form of discrimination, harassment at work, sexual, or of any other nature.
    • Although the remote working structure allows us to have people from all over the world, which is very rich, the company has a commitment to local development and support for the community, so we prioritize the selection of people close to the three main operating centers: Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia (headquarters of the company).
    • The company has a formal commitment to donate at least 1.5% of its annual profits to charitable causes.

Te escuhamos / T´escoltem / We listen to you / Wir hören Ihnen zu / Nous vous écoutons / Nós ouvimo-lo / Vi ascoltiamo

Complaints Channel

Listening to our stakeholders is essential, so we have developed a Whistleblower Policy both internally (for employees) and externally (for customers and other stakeholders), following the recommendations of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and Law 2/2023 of February 20, without being legally obliged to do so, as a sign of our responsible commitment.

  • Creation of a Whistleblower Form, which you can answer anonymously or not, to collect any behavior that “affects or undermines the general interest”.
  • Designation of the Compliance Officer, in the current communication manager, who will be responsible for ensuring the anonymous nature of the complaints, and for transmitting them to the management and the competent authorities, if necessary.
  • Comments will be taken into account before making operational changes and/or changes to policies or strategic practices.
  • The procedure and complaints received will be reviewed annually.
    We will provide feedback on comments and complaints received and the rate of resolution/implementation of the same.
plantemos un mundo nuevo

Our impact

Our mission as a company is closely linked to the achievement of a positive social and environmental impact, and in a co-responsible and cooperative manner, encouraging the creation and participation in networks with the same purpose.

To this end, two of our main tools are:

  • The network that we coordinate, Voluntare, the main Spanish-speaking Corporate Volunteering network, with presence in Spain and Latin America, and possibly one of the largest in the world.
  • Being part of the main networks with similar purpose in the world, Volonteurope IAVE, and especially Points of Ligth, the largest organization in the world dedicated to volunteering, and of which we hold the position of Vice Chair.

For the last year​

Corporate volunteers mobilized around the world


People benefiting from these volunteer actions throughout the world


Social Organizations we have collaborated with


Companies that have developed volunteering actions with volies


Take a look at our Impact Report​

Impact Report 2023: 10 Years of Social Impact​


Networks are essential to Volies. They allow us to increase our social and environmental impact by networking with a common goal. That is why:

  • We coordinate Voluntare, the largest Spanish-speaking corporate volunteer network,
  • For the last 4 years we have been part of the Assembly of Points of Light, the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteering, of which our Project Director Julia Aramendi is Vice Chair.
  • We are members of the board of directors of Volonteurope.
    And we are partners of the Global ProBono Network and IAVE (worldwide volunteer network).

Together we share, collaborate, learn and improve, bringing more value in everything we propose.

Redes Recurso

Voluntare´s Impact over the last year

Voluntare is the largest Spanish-speaking network of corporate volunteering in the world, of which Volies has been the coordinator for more than 10 years.

Voluntare partner companies and organizations


Corporate volunteers


Volunteer hours *


Beneficiaries *