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Blanca Diaz Peña, directora de Voluntariado de Mensajeros de la Paz
Logotipo 10o Aniversario Volies


We talked to Blanca Díez Peña, head of Volunteering at Mensajeros de la Paz.

The first person from the Volies team who contacted us was Marcos to make a collaboration with Telefónica. He gave us great confidence:

To see that he knew the third sector perfectly.
He spoke to us about the importance of generating alliances with impact between companies and the third sector.

Among the activities we have carried out with Volies, we would highlight the collaboration with Repsol, which has helped us to start the energy transition process as a relevant point in our strategic plan.

This collaboration has become a key element in the organization, and the work with the corporate volunteers who lead it is an example of efficiency, motivation and sustainability.

Volies has given us the possibility to collaborate with companies. Being able to offer them our projects, and channel the help through donations and corporate volunteering of different companies referred by Voiles. It has also allowed us to participate in different events and meeting points as speakers, facilitating our visibility as an organization for these companies.

Benedetta Falleti, Directora de Proyectos de Volies, junto al Papa Francisco y el Padre Ángel
Benedetta Falletti, Directora de Proyectos de Volies, junto al Padre Ángel, y una imagen del Papa Francisco.

Generosity of Volies: differential value

I would like to highlight the generosity of Voiles, Voluntare and many of you who work there, giving your “expertise” both to the third sector and to companies. Because together we are stronger.


You are a platform that is positioning itself very well in the third sector and that will be, if not already, a benchmark meeting point between the corporate world and the third sector, not only in Spain but also in Latin America and Europe. Providing value to companies and corporate volunteering as agents of change, and being an important actor as necessary to achieve a better world.

More about "Mensajeros de las Paz"

Mensajeros de la Paz. Datos de Impacto del 2022

Mensajeros de la Paz,with consultative status in the Special Consultative Status of ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council) (United Nations Economic and Social Council), is an association founded in 1962 by the Spanish priest Ángel García Rodríguez, more known as Father Angel.

Its objective as an organization is focused on the protection and improvement of the quality of life of other vulnerable social sectors, such as people with physical and mental disabilities, women victims of sexist violence, the elderly, the immigrant population or any family at a social disadvantage.

Picture of Carmen Marti

Carmen Marti