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Volies becomes B Corp: the world’s largest community of purpose-driven companies

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Continuing its mission to transform the world, and coinciding with its 10th anniversary, Volies has taken a step further in its social and environmental commitment by becoming a B Corp company after a long and thorough certification process.

B Corps are companies that comply with high standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal responsibility, which are legally required to take all their stakeholders into account when making decisions. It is considered the most advanced model of sustainable and regenerative business in the world. An ecosystem to which more than 6,200 companies from 86 countries belong, some 200 companies in Spain.

The objective of Volies as a company with purpose has always been social transformation through the main driving force of companies, organisations and society: people and their commitment to the world. Its main line of action is corporate volunteering, together with other areas such as diversity management, communication with social impact, citizen participation and other forms of social activation.

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10 years of social impact

Juan Ángel Poyatos, its founder and CEO, launched this project in 2013, then as Volunteering and Strategy, with the aim of promoting corporate volunteering, an incipient field in Europe at that time.

Today Volies is a leader in this sector in Spain and Europe. Last year alone:

  • Volies coordinated 1,500 actions
  • For 50 companies
  • In collaboration with 400 social organisations
  • In more than 25 countries
  • Mobilising almost 45,000 volunteers
  • And benefiting 375,000 people.
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Being part of the B Corp community reinforces the networking that is an essential part of Volies. Coordinating Voluntare since its creation, the largest Spanish-speaking corporate volunteering network that currently has a hundred member companies and social organisations that constitute an innovative and unique Think Tank around corporate volunteering. As a member of the board of Points of Light, the world’s largest organisation dedicated to volunteering, a member of the board of Volonteurope, the main network for promoting volunteering in Europe, as well as a member of the Centre for European Volunteering and IAVE – International Association for Volunteer Effort, among others. In short, this new incorporation is a further step towards sharing, collaborating and learning for the common good, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 17, which is essential for the achievement of the other 16 goals.

Picture of Carmen Marti

Carmen Marti