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Taking stock of a year of Partnerships

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2023: Partnerships

Voluntare is the largest Ibero-American network of corporate volunteering, founded by Juan Ángel Poyatos in 2011 and coordinated by Volies.
It is a think tank made up of 115 members, social entities and companies, which together promote and disseminate the professionalisation of corporate volunteering and the social participation of people.
It is a network where the spirit of collaboration and openness to sharing stand out, and where people learn from each other.

On 5 February, the managing partners approved the 2024 programme, which was presented the same day to the rest of the members, taking advantage of a fun networking dynamic to meet new members, and the same week the 2023 Report was published.

If we have defined 2023 as the year of alliances, I would define 2024 as the year of new horizons.

Alliances for the 22 new partners, the reinforcement of our relationship with our partners and the different national and international networks with which we collaborate, the increase of our scope, of our activities, and having started to work with new areas within our partners, in this search of the Voluntare Social Experience to extend the scope of volunteering to social participation.

2023 Memoria Voluntare Portada

2024: horizons

And that brings us to the new horizons open to us for 2024.

This year’s programme is characterised by the desire to expand our activity geographically, with more activities and events, both in different cities in Spain and internationally.

For example, the Volunteer Points in Barcelona and other provincial capitals, or participation in the CEV congresses in Trento or IAVE in Korea.
The International Congress on Volunteering 2024, scheduled for 4 and 5 July, seeks to attract and share presentations on innovative topics, new areas of debate, methodologies, concerns and ways of communicating.
Also new horizons in terms of formats and content, such as the “In Search of the SDGs” Metaverse Gymkhana, the Voluntare Talk, or the hackathon for young changemakers.

And many other areas of study, innovation, pilot projects, that will make us grow and learn together, one more year.

Voluntare is a platform; our strength and innovation lies in our partners, who create content and added value. And this is something that, with the growth of the network and the alliances between our companies and social entities, is becoming more and more powerful. So, thanks to new alliances, we reach new horizons and if you are not yet part of Voluntare, what are you waiting for? join us! Join us, and together we will continue to lead corporate volunteering.

Picture of Benedetta Falletti

Benedetta Falletti