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Volies has organized simultaneous activities in Barcelona and London to celebrate Activision-Blizzard-King’s Community Day!

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Volunteers from Lifeatking Barcelona celebrated their Community Day with an Impact Cooking event in collaboration with Barcelon Actua.

BarcelonActua is a non-profit organization created in 2011 as a response to the great economic crisis that affected Spain, with the aim of encouraging civil society and creating strong bonds between people in vulnerable situations who need support and those who can assist them. 

After an initial awareness-raising talk, volunteers and young migrants together cooked meals to be delivered to homeless people.  

While cooking, volunteers and migrants had the opportunity to:  

  • Listen to their personal stories. 
  • Foster empathy and respect for different cultures. 
  • Create bonds and mutual enrichment. 
  • Share a delicious lunch together. 
Activision Blizzard King London

Simultaneous activities in London

Meanwhile, volunteers in London, in partnership with Hands On London, carried out a very different activity. They did some gardening and maintenance work at Brent Lodge Park (BLP). 

By participating in this activity, volunteers had the chance to:  

  • Learn about the importance of public spaces in cities and their positive impact on the environment. 
  • Contribute with the enhancement of green spaces by creating new scrapes, removing dead hedging, and repairing fences, among other tasks. 
  • Share a special day with coworkers.

With these activities and thanks to the power of volunteering, @lifeatking has contributed to #SDG10, #SDG13 and #SGD15. 

Thank you Activision-Blizzard-King for trusting Volies to accompany you on your Community Day!  Together, we are transforming society and the world to become a better place. 

Picture of Carmen Marti

Carmen Marti