We promote social change through the transformation of people and organizations

voluntarios onu

UN Competence Certification

Service: Tailor-made – Competence development

Client: UN Volunteer

Type of client: Global institution

Project: Certification of competences

5. certificacion competencias ONU

Photo: United Nations Volunteers. Iganga, Uganda: A Japanese volunteer teaches ‘NERICA’, a “new rice for Africa” that can increase incomes on this farm. About 100 farming households grew NERICA after the project. Those assigned under the Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) programme receive specific advice and guidance from JOCV experts during their assignments. More than 35,000 Japanese have been sent to 87 countries since the JOCV programme was inaugurated in 1965 (Koji Sato / Japanese International Cooperation Agency, 2009).

Our experience in developing competency methodologies through corporate volunteering has helped us to guide UN Volunteers in the design of their own Competency Certification Programme.

People who volunteer are able to acquire or consolidate skills that are of great value to society. This innovative initiative seeks to formally recognize competencies and skills acquired in the field in order to enhance the employability of UN Volunteers.

Specifically, the programme certifies the six competences acquired in the voluntary action that are most valued in recruitment processes:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Planning and organisation
  • Respect for diversity
  • Commitment to continuous learning

In order to carry out an accurate assessment, a methodology was developed based on the voluntary participation of human resources experts or people with extensive experience in team management and leadership. This methodology will be replicated in other countries.